Positive thinking Effect

Nikhil is an Engineering student studying  in a reputed college.  As per his syllabus he was having C Language as one Subject.  Nikhil is  good at studies, still finding it difficult to learn C Language.  He scored less marks in C Language in the internals. He was very frustrated and Approached me for C Language Training Session.

Before starting the any training session I will meet the Student to know why he/she wants to learn the particular Skill Set.  I spoke to Nikhil and gave him an assurance and confidence that, he can learn C Language and get good marks in the Exam.  As per our schedule we started the C Language Session. After the session he wrote his exam and passed out with flying colors in C Language Exam.!!!! The Magic formula what we followed 

  1. Keep motivating the student to study the C Language with confidence.
  2. Encourage him to develop Positive Approach towards the Subject.
  3. Systematic approach while taking the session.
  4. Have study plan and follow the same very strictly.

Friends Always follow this Magic Formula and you will get success in Your work.

Happy Positive Thinking

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